Adler Family HISTORY
Photo Gallery

The ancestral church of the Adlers in Viernheim, Germany.

The coat of arms is registered in the Coat of Arms Bourgeois Sexes at the German Herald of Berlin. It says that it applies to all members of the Adler family who are descended from Thomas Adler in Viernheim.

A drawing of the school and church from the 1880s

Military hospital where Nicholas Adler spent considerable time being treated for ailments during the Civil War.

The Witts immigrated to America when Theodore Witt was two years old in 1839. Margaret Weinshenk Witt is a great great grandmother of Bishop Waldschmidt and Ray Pritchett. Her picture here is the oldest photograph yet found in our family history research. She is the same generation as our ancestor Kaspar Adler in Viernheim.

This is one of the earliest portraits of Nicholas Adler and Margaret Steckler.

This is one of the earlier photos of Nicholas Adler. He could be in his 50's at the time of this photo.

Portrait of Margaret Steckler, wife of Nicholas Adler.

The original log cabin built by Nicholas Adler and his family in 1888 on their farm in Haubstadt. It was dismantled in 1983 and some of the original logs were used to build a private home in Princeton, IN.

Haubstadt cabin of Nicholas Adler from 1886, reconstructed in Gibson County, IN

These men are members of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) post at Haubstadt, Gibson County, Indiana. Nicholas Adler is located in the first row on the far right hand side.

Nicholas Adler poses with his mule in the late 1800s.

A portrait of Nicholas Adler taken in the late 1800s.

This is the only photo that we have of any of Mathias Adler's children. Mary K. Adler (Hoffman) was the 6th child (out of 7) born to Mathias Adler and Margaretha Knapp. She was born one year before any of Nicholas' children and we are fortunate that her granddaughter, Marian Kaiser, shared this photo with us.

The eight children of Nicholas Adler and Margaret Steckler: Top row, left to right: Adam, Theodore, John, Henry, Katherine Bottom row, left to right: Margaret, Frank, Mary

This is a photo of the original Haubstadt schoolhouse (now demolished) in Armstrong, Indiana, where the children of Nicholas Adler attended school until they moved to the second farm in Haubstadt in 1887.

Wedding portrait of Catherine Adler and Henry Loehr taken March 26, 1892.

Wedding portrait of John Adler and Lena Emmert taken May 14, 1895.

Wedding portrait of Adam Adler and Lonie Emmert (sister of Lena Emmert, who married John Adler) taken February 21, 1900.

Wedding portrait of Theodore Adler and Margaret Martin taken on August 17, 1898.

Wedding portrait of Henry Adler and Verona Schoenbaum taken on September 21, 1898.

Wedding portrait of Frank Adler and Mary Greubel taken June 10, 1903.

Wedding portrait of Margaret Adler and George Kuhn taken February 16, 1904.

Wedding portrait, taken October 20, 1910.

Nicholas Adler with his sons and in-laws Wedding of Tony Ziliac and Mary Adler on October 20, 1910 Third Row: Ben Meny, Frank Adler age 20, Henry Schiff, Henry Adler age 22, Tony Ziliac age 23 Second Row: Frank Brenner, George Kuhn age 40, John Adler age 38, unknown, Nicholas Adler age 74 First Row: Theodore Adler age 34, Peter Emmert, Henry Loehr age 42, Adam Adler age 36

Nicholas Adler, photographed outdoors in 1910.

This picture shows Nicholas Adler with his eldest daughter, Katherine A. Adler Loehr, her daughter, Mary Loehr Mayer and Mary's daughter, Vera Mayer.

Three generations of Adlers: Nicholas poses with his son, Theodore, daughter-in-law, Margaret Martin, and their children in the 1920s.

Nicholas Adler with great-granddaughter Betty Mae on his lap, taken in the summer of 1923.

Theodore Adler poses with his sons and son-in-law. Third Row: Jerome, Urban, Norman Adler Second Row: Gilbert, Anton Bittner (son-in-law), Theodore Adler and Elmer Adler. Front Row: Vincent Adler This photo was taken in 1928

Back row: Elmer, Gilbert, Vincent, Urban, Norman, Jerome Front row: Eleanora, Theodore, Margaret and Lorene.

Wedding photo of Anton and Eleanora Adler Bittnerin 1924. Back Row: Elmer Adler, Lorene Adler, Anton Bittner, Vincent Adler, Elenora Adler, George Bittner.