As recounted by Betty Mae (Loehr) Dewig

When we went to visit Grandpa Henry and Grandma Catherine Loehr, we would take the traction car from Evansville to Haubstadt until we got a car in 1931 or 1932. We would always find Grandpa in his chair reading the paper or listening to the radio. Grandma would be in the kitchen cooking or baking or keeping busy doing something. I don’t remember seeing her sitting down to rest. She was a small lady so loving and kind, always so happy to see us. We were happy to be around her.
In later years when Grandpa and Grandma couldn’t live by themselves anymore, their children took turns caring for them in their homes. Grandma was always moving around with a handkerchief or cloth in her hands. Even then in her older years she wouldn’t rest. She had what they then called hardening of the arteries.
I have a picture of Great Grandpa Adler sitting in a rocker holding me (at right). The picture was taken in front of Grandpa and Grandma Loehr’s home in Haubstadt.

As recounted by Rosalie Catherine (Loehr) Metzger
I'd like to add a few memories to those already mentioned, concerning Grandma and Grandpa Loehr, Catherine (Adler) and Henry P Loehr.
Grandma was a petite, gentle, sweet lady who always seemed to be busy cooking, baking or doing something in the kitchen. When we visited them in the afternoon, we would usually join Grandpa who always listened to the serial programs on the radio, like Orphan Annie etc. We were careful to be QUIET until each episode was over!
Grandma always had pretty plants on a table by the front window and in the yard; my favorite was her Bleeding Heart bush near the front of the house.
During the winter months, they resided in the kitchen and front room (it was used as a combination living and bedroom). When the weather became warm and the bedroom was opened, we would admire the demitasse cups and saucers on Grandma's dresser. I am sure whoever received those, must really treasure them as they remember Grandma.
Christmas Eve was a special time for us. Dad would take us three girls to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Haubstadt; then late in the afternoon we would bring them with us, as we returned home to Evansville to the fragrance of a delicious meal our mother had prepared. After dishes were done, we would soon hear a bell jingle and would all go to the living room where Santa waited by the decorated tree with presents for all. Grandma and Grandpa were a special part of the celebration.
As recounted by Sr. Judy Dewig (Betty Mae Loehr Dewig's daughter)
My mom has the location and description of her grandparents' home in Haubstadt. They lived on Elm St. between Vine St. and Church St. Their home has a porch across the front with two front doors. There's another porch on the side which faces an ally that runs along side the home.
She also wanted to share with you that Cornelius Wolf was in the army for a short time at Fort Knox, but he never went overseas.
She has contacted the sister of Anthony E. Mayer and Leroy F. Mayer that served in the army during WWII.