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  • John Adler

Eva Maria (Handmann) Hirsch

Eva Maria (Handmann) Hirsch 1790-1878 was born in Heiligenstein, Germany, and immigrated to Haubstadt before the Civil War. All the Hirsch's, Emmerts, and the descendants of John and Adam Adler (who married Lena and Lonie Emmert) are descended from this common ancestor who lived to be 87 years old and is buried in the oldest part of St. Joseph Cemetery in Evansville.

I discovered her gravestone 2 years ago covered in dirt and moss. My nephew James Evans and I were the first to clean her headstone in 135 years!

This photo shows some of the Adam Adler descendants "paying their respects" to their great-great-great-great-great grandmother (5th great grandmother in genealogy-speak).

It is amazing that her headstone has stood the test of time all these years. It gets nearer to falling over every year and I'm sure it will one day crumble and disappear. It is good to have this photo of her generations with her.

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