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  • John Adler

Biography of Adam N. Adler

Adam N. Adler, the proprietor of a flourishing grocery and meat market business at 230

East Delaware Street, Evansville, is one of the firmly established businessmen of the

city. His connection with the grocery business started in his youth, and his long

experience in this line has enabled him to build up a large and representative patronage

in each of the communities in which his establishments have been located.

Mr. Adler was born on a farm in Armstrong township, Vanderburgh county, February 21, 1874,

and is a son of Nicholas and Margaret (Steckler) Adler. His father, who was born in

Germany, November 23, 1836, came alone to the United States as a lad of fifteen

years, and after spending some time at New Orleans, his landing-place, made his way

to Indiana, where he applied his energies to farming. Eventually he became the owner

of a valuable property in Armstrong township, and he is now retired from active labor

and a resident of Vanderburgh county. Mrs. Adler, who was born in Germany. August

14, 1846, was one year old when brought to the United States, and died in March, 1888.

Adam N. Adler attended public school in Armstrong township until reaching the age of

twelve years, at which time he went with his parents to Haubstadt, Gibson county,

where he attended the parochial school three years and the public high school two

years. When he was about fifteen years of age he came to Evansville, and in January,

1893, he secured employment with the M. Lyon Clothing Company, at the corner of

Third and Main Streets, in the capacity of clerk. After three months he resigned his

position and entered the employ of Louis G. Kiefer, who conducted a grocery at the

corner of Read and Virginia Streets, and in 1894 became identified as clerk with the

grocery of Fred Weber, at First Avenue and Columbia. Mr. Adler remained in the

employ of Mr. Weber until he embarked in the grocery business on his own account,

October 21, 1899, at the corner of Fulton Avenue and Virginia, a location at which he

remained for two years. He then moved to Fulton Avenue and Iowa, where he remained

for ten years, and in October, 1911, came to his present location, at 230 East Delaware

Street, where he soon built up a large and prosperous grocery business.

In 1913, he added a meat market to his establishment, and now has one of the best patronized and most modern enterprises of its kind in the city. Mr. Adler has been represented in the

grocery department of the Municipal Market ever since its inception in 1918. He belongs

to the Retail Merchants Association and holds membership in the Knights of Columbus,

the Knights of St. John, St Henry's Society and the T. P. A. For thirty-four years he has

been a member of St. Anthony's Catholic Church. On February 21, 1900 Mr. Adler was

united in marriage with Miss Lonie R. Emmert, of Haubstadt, Indiana, whose father was

a carpenter of that city. Three children have come to this union: Neal, born February

17,1901, who attended the parochial school of St. Anthony's parish, graduated from

Porter's Business College in the class of 1916, and is now manager of his father's store;

Leo A., born October 23, 1903, attended the parochial school, graduated after a two- year course from Lockyear's Business College, in 1918, and is now manager of his

father's department at the Municipal Market: and Raymond N., born May 5, 1907,

formerly a pupil in the parochial school, who is now attending the Catholic High School.

The family home is located near his place of business on Delaware Street, and is a

hospitable one, where good cheer abounds.

Source: Notable Vanderburgh County Mentions in Indiana History (~1924)

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